Chris | Interrogator
Joe Fisher | Interrogators Assistant
Conor Mulhern | Person being interrogated
Joe French| Cameraman
(Camera rises up from an object in the foreground, be that a tree, bush, etc. interrogator walks in from the left hand side of the scene. [Nothing can be heard apart from the wind blowing.] Interrogator walks to doors, doors open, [footsteps can now be heard, as well as a heartbeat sound] interrogator walks down corridor, the camera cuts to the inside of a bag, [heavy breathing is now heard]. The camera will keep on cutting between the two scenes until the interrogator reaches the door to the room. Interrogator pulls bag off the person’s head as they look around rather frantically)
Interrogator: Alright?
Person being interrogated: Yeah I’m alright
(Interrogator chucks paper on the table, writing can be seen on the paper but cannot be read)
Interrogator: So, who gave you that insane amount of money?
Person being interrogated: The guy who I know who knows a guy
Interrogator: What is that supposed to mean?
Person being interrogated: You tell me.
(Goes silent for about 2 seconds)
Interrogator: You’ll be going away for a long time whatever you say, we know what you did, we just need to know where you got your funding.
Person being interrogated: I got my funding from halfway across the world so I don’t know why you’re standing in here and not out there.
(Loud huff from the interrogator)
(Bag is placed back over the persons head, interrogator walks out of the room)
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