The outside filming was a lot more easier because there was much more space to place the camera and find better angles to film from. It was a quicker process when filming outside because we had a stronger idea of how we wanted the shot to look and where we was going to put the camera. Filming inside was more difficult but because we already had ideas from the storyboard, we was able to get on with the filming quicker and the angles came out great.
We worked really well as a team because we all came up with the ideas together and there was no disagreements but we all expanded on the small ideas we had and we put them all together into one and that's how the film came out. We also had ideas whilst we was filming and some of them were implemented and some were not, we all agreed on everything and it all turned out good because we developed each others ideas and decided which role each person was going to have with ease because we already knew which parts we wanted to do.
The picture below shows the camera we used and the tri-pod. As you can see it is fairly big which is why we had more of a problem filming inside the interrogation room. We made the legs of the tri-pod smaller which gave us more space and gave us an easier time of filming.
As the cameraman, i found the filming process great and fairly easy but challenging, picking out the right angles and filming them correctly was difficult but with the help of the rest of the group, it became an easier experience filming the scenes were enjoyable and a great learning experience.

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